Inspired By Hilde



After many years of constant suffering, in 2004 Hilde Larsen was forced to close her interior design and building company Kolage. She had been diagnosed with Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and told she might be bedridden permanently. Instead she went on to studying journalism and was guided to a path of healing and regeneration. Hilde is now a certified Health and Mindset Coach, an Author, a Keynote Speaker, Detox Specialist, Raw food Teacher and Life-Enthusiast. She also writes regularly including a feature spot as a Contributing Writer for Wake Up World, has her own blog, creates content for Youtube & Soundcloud / iTunes, has developed online programs and maintains her own membership site, The Inspired Members. She is proudly the author of three published books: From HELL to Inspired, Know The Truth and Get Healthy, and No More Bullshit. Her glowing enthusiasm for health and vitality plays the leading role in her work and she spends her time travelling between Norway and Florida, exploring health, healing and the human connection to nature. Listen to Hilde on Soundcloud or iTunes by searching 'Inspired by Hilde' as new tracks are added weekly!
